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Nottinghamshire Pension Fund Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
FUND MANAGERS’ PRESENTATIONS This was the last meeting for Mr Geoff Day of Schroders who was retiring and on behalf of the Committee the Chair thanked Mr Day for his support over the years. On a motion by the chairman, duly seconded it was: RESOLVED 2021/013 That no further actions are required as a direct result of the contents of the
consistent and clear support, delivered collaboratively across a range of partners and the business advisors directly support the ambition of ‘Strengthening businesses and creating more good-quality jobs’ in the Council Plan. Reasons for Recommendations 13. The ongoing work with the Growth Hub allows the Council to provide support to businesses
Sarah Stevenson Group Manager, Business Support Centre April 2016
Group Manager, Business Support Centre April 2016. Nottinghamshire County Council –Is the Administering Authority for the Nottinghamshire LGPS ... Fund V alue Non NCC 9 . Calculate Benefits (AX ISe) 12. Is AV C calculation req uired 13 . Calculate AV C t Service Credit or Max• L ump Sum 14. Check Benefits
Notts home energy support
Supporting energy efficiency upgrades for low-income households. The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2) offers grant funding to help low-income households in Nottinghamshire make their homes more energy efficient. This programme supports properties that are off the gas grid and focuses on improving heating systems and insulation to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.
Special Provision Capital Fund - Nottinghamshire County Council
3.1 The £215 million fund is to support local authorities to invest in provision for children and young people with SEN and disabilities aged 0-25 years to improve the quality and range of provision available to the local authority. It is intended for the children and young people with education, health and care
Rosie the Little Pink Tuk Tuk
Back to: Stories of community support during the Coronavirus pandemic. Rosie the Little Pink Tuk Tuk . The Rosie May foundation who are based in Bingham are utilising Rosie the Little Pink Tuk Tuk to help vulnerable families and residents, who are self-isolating, by training volunteers to drive the Tuk Tuk so they can deliver basic essential items and help keep them safe.
Pension fund investments are carried at fair value in accordance with the Code. Fair value is defined as 'the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's-length transaction'. Where an active market exists, the quoted market price is used.
Cabinet - Nottinghamshire County Council
support from the government in 2022/23 and will need to rely upon available reserves to finance any 2022/23 overspends. Of more concern at this stage is what the financial settlement may be for local government in 2023/24. A consultation document on a two- year local government finance settlement for 2023/24 and 2024/25 was expected
On-street electric vehicle charging to be trialled by council
Now approved, the trial will enable residents to fund cable channels cut into the footway so that they can connect their electric vehicle to their household’s electricity supply. Those who wish to install an EV cable will be able to apply to the county council, who will consider each request on a case-by-case basis.
Funded 2 year old places for families receiving some additional forms ...
Universal Credit, and your household income is £15,400 a year or less after tax, not including benefit payments; the guaranteed element of Pension Credit; ... You can apply for 2-year-old funding if you are a family receiving some additional forms of financial support/ LAC/ EHCP by visiting the first link below, this will take you through to ...
Nottinghamshire Pension Fund Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
The Pension Fund Working Party meets twice a year and is open to all Pension Committee Members to attend. The purpose of the Working Party is to discuss key issues in more detail ... become obligatory and the growing support for investment non-financial reasons, provided that it meets core investment requirements. Statutory and Policy Implications
Nottinghamshire Local Government Pension Fund Joint Administration ...
The fund comprises of over 295 scheme employers with active members, and approximately 125,553 (at October 2016) scheme members in relation to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). The efficient delivery of the benefits of the LGPS is dependent on sound administrative procedures being in place between the
Report to Nottinghamshire Pension Board - Nottinghamshire County Council
of Fund assets. Where members joined the scheme before 1 April 2014, protections are in ... Employer Support and Compliance c. Technical/Communications d. Technical/Performance At 31.03.2020 Established FTE Actual in Post FTE Pension Team 26.20 23.10 Pension System Team 3.0 2.0
Economic Development and Asset Management Committee
5. In December 2021, the EDAM committee agreed to support the refresh of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan, creating an evolving document that could flexibly adapt to support the economic recovery in a timely fashion. With this in mind, a high-level transition plan has been written (see Appendix A) which sets out the broad principles of the work
Decision Record - Nottinghamshire County Council
Homes for Ukraine (HFU) grant fund that support the delivery of the Council Plan through meeting the Local Communities Fund (LCF) 2022-26 criteria. To seek approval to establish 2 funding rounds for the HFU grant fund in 2024-25 to match the Small Revenue and Capital LCF funding streams. Decision taken by: Cabinet Member – Communities and Public
Further support - Nottinghamshire County Council
Flood Re is a joint initiative between the Government and insurers. Its aim is to make the flood cover part of household insurance policies more affordable. You can also contact the National Flood Forum for support and representation. You can contact them by calling: 01299 403 055. Can I get a loan to help purchase food clothing or household items?
Tips and advice
keep two metres apart from anyone outside your household or social bubble. By doing the above and limiting your contact with others you can help stop the spread of coronavirus. ... Domestic abuse and sexual violence support. Information, help and support for people experiencing domestic abuse. Face coverings.
Report to Nottinghamshire Pension Fund Committee
The Fund should attempt to take a view on the likelihood of different climate scenarios, drawing on its suppliers and advisers. Ongoing With the support of LGPS Central and our Independent Adviser Considered in the January working party meeting. Yes 7 Asset Allocation Monitor fund managers, discussing with equity
Notts Pension Fund wants to sell Russian assets
The Nottinghamshire Pension Fund has set out its ambition to sell the small amount of Russian assets it holds after the unprovoked and aggressive attack by Putin’s regime in Ukraine. Investment managers have spent the last few days reviewing the £6.6bn pension fund for Russian links and have found the fund holds less than 0.1% of Russian assets.
Complaint reference: 18 008 423 The Ombudsman’s final decision
support plan under which Mr X received direct payments to help him fund personal care in the morning and evening, household tasks and access to the community. Mr X’s care or support plan should be reviewed each year and the Council should tell him after the review if there is any increase or decrease to his