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standards, policies stressing individual care arrangements, advocacy, and, very significantly, the need to complement service improvements in health care settings around hospital discharge and the prevention of admission. The report below outlines some of the current pressures the Department faces and a series of proposals to deal with these.
Report to Governance & Ethics Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
1. To inform members of developments in the Council’s arrangements for corporate risk management. Information 2. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require authorities to have effective arrangements for the management of risk. The role and responsibility of the Committee, as defined in the
Adult Social Care and Health Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
Adult Social Care and Health Committee Monday, 02 February 2015 at 10:30 County Hall, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 5 January 2015
Education School Attendance - Nottinghamshire County Council
the arrangements for their return to school. 16. The Nottinghamshire Education Welfare Service (EWS), working with Nottinghamshire Police, conduct Truancy Patrols throughout the county in accordance with the DCSF ‘Guidance for Truancy”. The patrols can be on foot, or more often, an unmarked police minibus is used. The Police use their powers to
Our priorities and how we are doing - Nottinghamshire County Council
Get around this festive season with half price on demand travel in the evenings!
Account Login - Nottinghamshire County Council
Access your Nottinghamshire County Council account to find resources and information for schools, payroll, health and safety, and more.
Policy Library - Nottinghamshire County Council
THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT SECTION 140 Guidance for admissions in cases of special urgency: ... This Strategy sets out the joint commissioning arrangements between organisations in improving and transforming our education, health and care services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
Waste Management PFI Contract Report - Nottinghamshire County Council
integrated arrangement, the PFI Contract is structured as: • Contract A, which covers the management of the network of Recycling Centres, the development and operation of a new Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at Mansfield, composting services, waste transfer stations (WTS) and landfill, plus securing planning and environmental permitting ...
Forward Plan - Nottinghamshire County Council
future contractual arrangements for the delivery of the Nottinghamshire Healthy Families Programme. Context: Local Authorities have a statutory responsibility, under the Health and Social Care Act of 2012, to provide public health nursing services, including the Healthy Child Programme, which is known locally as the
Health Scrutiny Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
arrangements for NHS services at Newark Hospital. The Chief Commissioning Officer of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group had written to the Chairman of the Committee to advise that the temporary closure of Newark Hospital’s Urgent Treatment Centre for overnight admissions
Integrated Nottinghamshire
For people at high risk of admission / crisis, the first step is again to effectively provide support in the community. For example, the PRISM (Profiling Risk, Integrated care, Self Management) programme in Mid-Notts uses risk profiling software to identify those at high risk of admission / crisis. Multi-disciplinary community
It’s time to apply for your child’s secondary school place
2) Check the admission oversubscription criteria – and include schools within the four preferences where the child will have high priority within the admission oversubscription criteria. Information about the criteria for Nottinghamshire schools can be found on the council’s website.
WTS Building General Arrangement received by the WPA on 5 November 2015; (g) Drawing Number VES_TD_WCROFT_300_005 Revision P3 – Proposed WTS Building Elevations received by the WPA on 5 November 2015; (h) Drawing Number VES_TD_WCROFT_300_006 Revision P2 – WTS Building Fencing and Gate Details received by the WPA on 5 November ...
Date: 16 October 2014 - Nottinghamshire County Council
goals such as reducing emergency hospital admissions. In years three to five (phase two) we will grow our business by expanding beyond core emergency ambulance services into areas ranging from patient transport to NHS111 and potential tele-health/ tele-care monitoring. Achieving our aims depends upon transforming the services’ operating model ...
Bus Partnerships - Nottinghamshire County Council
Bus Partnerships Quality Partnership arrangements – Bus Services Act 2017. Following the publication of the National Bus Strategy on 15 March 2021 the government required all Local Transport Authorities and bus operators to sign up to the development of an Enhanced Partnership by 1 July 2021 to access Government funding for bus service and bus infrastructure improvements.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FT (NHFT): Rampton Improvements Update ...
Rampton has taken 11 admissions in 3 months, which is now at pre-Covid levels. ... arrangements with both Broadmoor and Ashworth Hospitals, which include regular oversight and monitoring by leaders from the respective trusts. There are quarterly meetings in place with
Better Care Fund Performance - Nottinghamshire County Council
by admission to residential and nursing care homes, per 100,000 population. e) Reablement: Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services. 8. Commissioners from Nottinghamshire County Council and the ICB jointly reviewed the target
voluntary patient, where the conditions for admissions are met and the person consents to admission for treatment. Otherwise, paragraphs 20 to 27 look at the role of the Approved Mental Health Professional in hospital admission. Services Delivered or Commissioned by the Council ;
Overdue Priority 1 Actions Appendix 1 - Nottinghamshire County Council
Arrangements of Arms Length Organisations. This is expected to address the actions identified in our original internal audit report. are Risk: Ineffective governance if roles and responsibilities are not A report on the governance arrangement for these -Length Organisations was presented to the previous G&E Committee (Oct 2024). This detailed
10 Translation and Interpretation Service - Nottinghamshire County Council
8. The transition to the new arrangements proved successful. Some of the benefits of the new service which have already been realised are: • £55,000 saving resulting from closure of the back-office in-house service • interpretation and translation services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week