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Nottinghamshire Local Government Pension Fund Joint Administration ...

1 April 2015 was a key milestone in setting out the governance arrangements of the Local Government Pension scheme (LGPS). From that date the Pensions Regulator (tPR) took responsibility for setting the standards of administration and governance requirements on all administrative aspects of the pension scheme.

Contact us - Nottinghamshire County Council

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Use this page to link to Nottinghamshire County Council popular online services. We have lots of online services for you to access at your convenience but if you need any help, you can contact our team of customer service advisors by phone, online message, sign video, language translator or the UK Text Relay service.

Brochure of offender personality disorder services for men

skills. Upon admission, a detailed assessment of personality, mental health, cognitive ability and risk is completed where appropriate. From this, an individual formulation and treatment pathway is collaboratively developed. Individuals can go into a range of treatments to help improve how they cope and to reduce their risk.

County Council welcomes publication of new Tobacco and Vapes Bill

Like in England as a whole, smoking has been reducing in Nottinghamshire over recent years, and now stands at 10% of adults. But this still means there are at least 67,000 smokers in the county, and about 8,000 local smoking-related hospital admissions per year, so it continues to be an important local health issue.

TOMORROW’S NUH - Nottinghamshire County Council

2 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction Following an initial phase of pre-consultation engagement in November and December 2020, on 7 March 2022, NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning

Granby - Nottinghamshire County Council

“Doing things quickly online is important and the benefits of fibre broadband are right for me, from food shopping to booking to researching travel arrangements. I can even download my daily paper in seconds! As lots more services seem to be moving towards being online, it is important that being able to access them becomes effortless.”


Government Act 1999 to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. In discharging this overall responsibility, the County Council is responsible for putting in place proper arrangements for the governance of its affairs,

Adult Social Care & Health – Commissioning Strategy

partnership arrangements - from working closely together to fully integrated services. The appropriate form depends on the particular service. They are easy to access and provide as much choice and control as possible. The County Council is in the process of further development of a Contact Centre to improve ease of access to services.

B11 Policy - Managing Work Related Violence & Aggression

arrangements. • Ensure investigation of incidents and appropriate action if additional control measures are required, including review and amendment of local policy and risk assessments. • Ensure an immediate response following an incident including emergency and first aid arrangements.

Adults Techology Enabled Care (TEC) Strategy

• 323 people assessed as at a high and immediate risk of admission to residential care, had their admission delayed or avoided through use of TEC to keep them independent at home • 368 people assessed as at a high risk of carer breakdown were supported through use of TEC • 719 people were supported to be safely & quickly discharged home ...

New 210 place primary free school for Gateford Primary

School admissions ; New 210 place primary free school for Gateford Primary; New 210 place primary free school for Gateford Primary. Nottinghamshire County Council has the statutory duty to ensure that there are sufficient school places for all children and young people living in Nottinghamshire. In line with the requirements of section 6A of ...

Children and Families Select Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements, monitoring of out-of-court disposal decision-making, and post-court casework management oversight. • Regarding improved Youth Justice Partnership Board governance, the Executive Director for Children and Families as the new Chair of the Board, had been overseeing measures to improve partner accountability and engagement.


tendered based on this arrangement, no bids were submitted and the incumbent provider was asked to continue until the re-procurement outlined in this report could be prepared. 16. A schedule of clinics will be agreed with the new service, with the aim of providing around 240 NHS Health Checks per year to target potentially high-risk individuals.

Performance of Arc - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements, with regard to both projects and programmed works, is working well, with 100% monitoring between NCC and Arc Partnership, now in train. 30. Both our internal SHE arrangements and OHSAS 18001:2007 Accreditation (achieved in year), requires that the Arc Partnership Managing Director (Safety Director) will ensure, on an

Health Scrutiny Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

partnership working arrangements in place within the Integrated Care System. It was explained that a joint City/County Suicide Prevention Strategy and Plan was already in place, and sought to reduce suicide and self-harm by improving mental health within the population and targeting known high-risk groups

Travel to schools

School admissions School meals Travel to schools School governors Services for schools and education providers Information for schools Outdoor and Environmental Education Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) School leaving age School discipline and exclusions ...

Public Health Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

ARRANGEMENTS FOR PROTECTING THE HEALTH OF THE POPULATION IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY RESOLVED: 2015/002 That the County Council’s duties in regard to health protection be recognised, and the arrangements in place for ensuring that all parties discharge their roles effectively for the protection of the local population be noted.

Early years and childcare

Get around this festive season with half price on demand travel in the evenings!


7 version 1.6 other bodies ..... 123 nottinghamshire local pension board – terms of reference 123

Join our team of Shining Stars

We offer flexible working arrangements to suit your personal and family needs. We believe that everyone has something to offer, and we are committed to creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. We can't wait to welcome you into our team of super stars! ...