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oversight arrangements in addition the progress specifically in relation to Nottingham University Hospitals Maternity Services. 1. System Approach to Maternity Assurance & Quality 1.1 As the clinically led statutory NHS body responsible for the planning and commissioning

Supporting People Programme - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements for providing housing related support services for vulnerable people. 3 The Supporting People programme brings together a number of funding streams including transitional housing benefit (THB), which has paid for the support costs associated with housing during the implementation phase, the housing

report - Nottinghamshire County Council

a) To proceed with the present arrangements. b) To proceed with a modified version of the present arrangements (which would need agreement of terms with the District and Borough Councils concerned). c) To terminate the present arrangements completely and for the County Council to take over delivery of all highway services from the MOPs.

Nottinghamshire Concessionary Travel Scheme 2016-17

1. To advise Committee of the final reimbursement arrangements for the 2016/17 Nottinghamshire concessionary travel scheme for elderly and disabled persons. 2. To inform Committee of changes to the City Council’s Concessionary Travel scheme 2016/17 which will have an impact for Nottinghamshire residents. 3.

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board

new safeguarding arrangements are outlined in the future developments section later in this report. The NSCB has three strategic priorities: • Through a comprehensive understanding of the needs of children and young people in Nottinghamshire, to ensure that the work of the NSCB is focussed on the most

Health Scrutiny Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Clinical, management and HR governance arrangements had been thoroughly reformed, with a strong emphasis on robust and regular supervision. This was coupled with encouraging a culture where staff and patients could raise issues of concern without fear of consequences.

minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements be submitted to Cabinet in 12 months’ time. 8. RESPONSE TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE SCRUTINY REVIEW OF EDUCATION, HEALTH AND CARE PLANS RESOLVED 2023/045 1) That the recommendations from the Children and Families Select Committee review of Education, Health and Care Plans be received. ...

Forward Plan - Nottinghamshire County Council

Decision Catering and Facilities Management – Future Operating Model Date inserted into Forward Plan 24 December 2024 What is the decision to be taken To decide on a preferred partner and partnership

Local Pensions Board - Nottinghamshire County Council

1) the proposals on implementing the interim arrangements for the Pension Fund be acknowledged. 8. LOCAL PENSION BOARD REVIEW 1 APRIL 2019 TO 31 MARCH 2020 John Raisin, the Advisor to the Board introduced the report, the purpose of which was to review the activity of the Pension Board for the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.

Nottinghamshire Pension Fund

arrangements of the Fund are detailed in the Fund’s Governance Compliance Statement. 8. The members of the Committee are not trustees (as the LGPS is a statutory scheme) but do have fiduciary duties towards the scheme members and employers. LGPS Central 9. LGPS Central (“the Pool”) is the asset pool which Nottinghamshire Pension Fund ...

Kinship support service

Welcome to the kinship information hub, a place to learn more about the support available to kinship families in Nottinghamshire. This includes kinship families with special guardianship orders, child arrangement orders or informal/private arrangements.

Category B index - Nottinghamshire County Council

Ref. Portfolio Committee Title 2015/16 £000 2016/17 £000 2017/18 £000 Total Saving £000 B12 Children’s and Culture Culture Rufford Abbey

Specialised Service Commissioners - Nottinghamshire County Council

to collaborative commissioning arrangements. They enable commissioners to establish a broad base-line position on activity and costs and make comparisons year on year and across different providers. specialised cancer services (adults) specialised services for blood and marrow transplantation (all ages)

Debt recovery and enforcement - Nottinghamshire County Council

All arrangements will be made on the basis that further debt does not accrue so you must ensure that all future invoices are paid on time. If you require a significant length of time to bring your account up to date, we will not be able to agree a payment arrangement without the provision of income and expenditure details to evidence why payment cannot be made sooner.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements for safeguarding, and how this can be provided. Choice and control by service users brings responsibilities and risk, and could pose problems unless effectively monitored with support mechanisms that enable informed decision making. 9. Training was seen as key in all areas for the successful implementation of the safeguarding agenda.

Virtual School - Nottinghamshire County Council

Nottinghamshire Virtual School information for designated teachers, parents, carers and students

Tamsin Rabbitts Senior Accountant Pensions & Treasury Management

• Management arrangements • Benchmarks • Individual manager returns • Asset allocation • Summary Investment Performance. Investment returns to 31 March 2018 1 year 3 years 5 years Fund BM Fund BM Fund BM % % % pa % pa % pa % pa Equities 3.8 2.2 9.2 10.6 9.6 11.5

School curriculum - Nottinghamshire County Council

School admissions School meals Travel to schools School governors Services for schools and education providers Information for schools Outdoor and Environmental Education Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) School leaving age School discipline and exclusions ...

Nottinghamshire County Council

information sharing arrangements and responsibilities and an Information Security Protocol setting out the means by which information should be shared to ensure it is done in a secure way. ICO data protection audit report – executive summary 6 of 7 . Areas for improvement .

report - Nottinghamshire County Council

- Safeguarding arrangements should secured or reinforced - Management should be appropriately focussed and efficient - The maximum number of Family Worker posts should be retained – thereby retaining capacity to deliver the services on the ground - Changes should have the least possible impact on service users