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Decision Record - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements Summary of Decision: To seek approval to the final terms of the 12-month contract extension for provision of the Healthy Families Programme by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) from 1st October 2024 to 30th September 2025, including the changes to the contractual and service delivery arrangements during the

Title: Winter update from Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

through admission via Barclay ward and the treatment centre. However, the continued use of the elective bed base to support non-elective surge has led to a significant loss of elective activity. Average elective admissions over the period from August to 28 November 2022 were 106, this dropped to 14 over the five days from 4-9 January 2023.

Housing Strategy - Nottinghamshire County Council

Introduction 1.1 The County Council published a new Nottinghamshire Plan in 2022. Ambition 1 is “Helping our people live healthier, more independent lives”. The 2023/24 Annual Delivery Plan, said that to achieve this our intention was to work with the local District and

SR58: Corporate Health and Safety Action Plan 2018-19

including security arrangements Health and Safety May 2018 High Subject: Improved Awareness and Competence Ref: Action and Expected Result Lead Timescale Risk Priority Comments ,Progress & Result Update Link 3.1 matric reviewed Current estimate at 70% Review health and safety competency matrix and mandatory H&S training

Vaccinations - Nottinghamshire County Council

Flu in pregnancy can be dangerous for mother and baby. During pregnancy, the immune system is weakened which makes it more difficult to fight infections, increasing the risk of complications and admission to hospital. Death rates from flu are higher in pregnant women than the general population.

4. A child’s eligibility

How to request a review 4. A child’s eligibility. The county council assesses applications for travel assistance against the Home to School Transport Policy and free travel will be provided for eligible children in accordance with the policy.

Achieving financial sustainability in the NHS

arrangements Service Development Funding (SDF) Annual non-recurrent funding received by the ICB to support specific transformation areas including primary care and prevention. This represents a savings opportunity to not provide additional investment. It is not a reduction in business as usual spend. £6,800 £- Appendix 2 Table 11 Urgent and

Under 16 mainstream travel assistance - Nottinghamshire County Council

Once you have the outcome of your school admissions application, you need to login or register online to apply for travel assistance. Registering online is quick and easy, and from there you can make any changes or payments, and we’ll email you updates.

Highways Improvement Plan

Highways Improvement Plan. The draft Highways Improvement Plan was created using the recommendations identified by the cross-party highways review panel.. The recommendations were developed over a series of five meetings, with input from a significant Local Government Association (LGA) peer review and external input from industry sector experts WSP.

Appendix 1 Strategic Planning of School Places

admissions policies, which are all subject to change. The effect of expanding popular schools can lead to an imbalance of school places within a given locality and in some cases impact negatively upon choice and diversity rather than promote it. • Supporting rural schools This links with key corporate policy and objectives and ensures equity of

Electric vehicle cable channel (EVCC) pilot programme

The Section 50 Licence granted to the householder will include the requirement to maintain the EV cable channel for a minimum of 7-years. The EV cable channel will therefore be maintained in a serviceable condition for the duration of its lifespan by the householder under the NRSWA, unless the householder commissions Via East Midlands Ltd to reinstate the footway (after the 7-year period).

Nottingham NHS Treatment Centre - Nottinghamshire County Council

performance management arrangements and include cancellations, unexpected returns to theatre, day case overnight stays, undesirable clinical outcomes, complaints and reportable incidents. Governance arrangements The sponsor PCTs meet as Contract Management Board (CMB). The CMB has delegated authority from each PCT. Its main functions are to:

Country Parks - Nottinghamshire County Council

free admission and car parking; dogs are welcome; Grantham canal runs through the park; main entrance is from the car park on Hollygate Lane. lose yourself in a peaceful setting of woodland, wetland and lakes; explore the five kilometres of paths and trails on foot or by bike; circle the edge of the site on horseback

Fire Safety - Update - Nottinghamshire County Council

Elected Members Arrangements 24. County Hall fire safety arrangements are included in the Elected Members induction programme. Participation in fire evacuation practices builds upon the initial training. 25. Fire safety is considered within risk assessments for Council Meetings, Officers present will

minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements, monitoring of out-of-court disposal decision-making, and post-court casework management oversight. • Regarding improved Youth Justice Partnership Board governance, the Executive Director for Children and Families as the new Chair of the Board, had been overseeing measures to improve partner accountability and engagement.

Home education - Nottinghamshire County Council

School admissions School meals Travel to schools School governors Services for schools and education providers Information for schools Outdoor and Environmental Education Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) School leaving age School discipline and exclusions ...

Flexible working - Nottinghamshire County Council

Flexible working arrangements. The scheme offers increased flexibility in working arrangements and represents the standard flexi-time option available to departments for each feature of the scheme. Where alternative flexi-time schemes are already in operation, which have more flexible provisions, then these can continue.

Risk & Insurance - Nottinghamshire County Council

9. The total cost of the Council’s insurance arrangements is recharged to Departments and Schools. To encourage risk management the charges are weighted towards the costs of claims. External Insurance Arrangements 10. The Council’s cost of external insurance is currently around £1.8m per year. 11.

Wednesday, 05 October 2016 at 14:00 - Nottinghamshire County Council

Health and Wellbeing Board Wednesday, 05 October 2016 at 14:00 County Hall, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 7 Sept 2016 3 - 8 2 Apologies for Absence

SUMMONS TO COUNCIL - Nottinghamshire County Council

County Hall West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 7QP SUMMONS TO COUNCIL date Thursday, 24 February 2022 venue County Hall, West Bridgford, commencing at 10:30 Nottingham You are hereby requested to attend the above Meeting to be held at the time/place and on the date mentioned above for the purpose of transacting the business on the Agenda as