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Independent Travel Training for adults - Nottinghamshire County Council

Apply. Ensure that people in receipt of assisted transport must have a yearly review of the transport element of their package as a minimum. Please refer service users that may be suitable for Independent Travel Training to the Promoting Independence Workers (PIWs) in the Notts Enabling Service (NES) via the contact plus form in Mosaic.

Governance and Ethics Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

The report informed members of developments in the Council’s arrangements for corporate risk management and reported the latest movements in key, operational risks. During discussion, Members: • Asked questions and sought reassurance that the increased risks caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine would be captured, monitored and

Local Pensions Board - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements and its own development to support delivery on behalf of the pool. The presentation, which was published with the Board agenda, explained that LGPS Central Ltd had been created as a joint-funded company by 8 LGPS funds, provided an overview of current pooling arrangements and LGPS Central Ltd product

Orchard Medical Practice - Nottinghamshire County Council

Orchard Medical Practices wishes to extend its flexible working arrangements and provide further pre-booked appointments later in the evening. This proposal is being introduced as a result of one outcome based on the last two years Patient Satisfaction Surveys, which

Blank commitee report template - Nottinghamshire County Council

whether any further actions are required, including the arrangement of any site visits. Derek Higton Executive Director for Place For any enquiries about this report, please contact: Rebecca Kirkland, Planning Support Officer Constitutional Comments (JL, 23/10/2024) 7.

Report to Finance & Property Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

collaboration arrangement to promote their land for development. This area of land comprised of some 96.522 hectares (238.55 acres) which is located to the east of the Council owned Rushley Farm site. It should be noted that this collaboration arrangement did not include the Council’s land or land known as

School swimming - Nottinghamshire County Council

School admissions School meals Travel to schools School governors Services for schools and education providers Information for schools Outdoor and Environmental Education Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) School leaving age School discipline and exclusions ...

Sickness absence performance - Nottinghamshire County Council

is recommended to all schools with different governance arrangements. These procedures contain guidance which ensures that appropriate management of the sickness absence of employees with a disability complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that Elected Members note: 1.

Communities Public Health Cabinet - December 2 2024

Commissioned Public Health Services (LCPHS) arrangement with General Practices (GPs): Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (I-ARC) and NHS Hea th Checks. Both services are ... (110,000) of emergency admission bed days per year, with an estimated hospita admissions cost to the Nottinghamshire system of £71m per year. Councils have a statutory

CORPORATE PARENTING POLICY - Nottinghamshire County Council

Review arrangements 26. This policy will be reviewed twelve months after its implementation to ensure that it is effectively promoting improved outcomes for children and young people in care. March 2008 6 . Appendix 1 Basic elements of the care pledge (Reproduced from Care Matters: Time

Personnel Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements will enable us to explore a move toward a Business Partner Model of operation, which is very much welcomed by our operational customers. 2022 Savings Commitment - £263,000 10. We have identified £183,000 of our savings commitment through; a) A review of our non-staffing budgets which has yielded a cashable saving of £40,595.

Winter payments for Notts households most in need of support

Household Support Fund; Cost of Living: Financial support will be on its way before Christmas to thousands of eligible households to help cover the costs of food and energy bills this winter.

Public Health Nottinghamhsire - Nottinghamshire County Council

b. Transition to the new working arrangements set out in the Transition Plan: • Leading and managing the transfer of Public Health functions, programmes and staff • Developing the PH role and commissioning support within Local Authorities at County, Borough Council (BC) and District Council (DC) levels

1. Chairman’s Introduction - Nottinghamshire County Council

has now been extended to elective, day-case and emergency adult admissions. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to tell the same story for Clostridium difficile (C diff). We had more cases in 2010/11 than our challenging target. But we have been working hard to understand the nature of these infections to inform future actions. We are not

Appendix – Nottinghamshire Priorities - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements. • Ensure that learning and skills funding is focused upon employability and supporting local people getting good jobs. • Strengthen existing early years support, particularly in our most disadvantaged in life. • Secure funding to grow and invest in youth services, supporting young people to achieve

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - Nottinghamshire County Council

temporary arrangements and backfilling their posts on a temporary basis. In order to also maintain sufficient qualified staff in the District teams it is now necessary to wait until the next tranche of BIA training is completed in April 2015, before moving any further staff into these posts. 9.

Health Scrutiny Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Health Scrutiny Committee Tuesday, 23 November 2021 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of last meeting held on 12 October 2021 3 - 12 2 Apologies for Absence


The Robin Hood Festival returns for the 37th year, with cinema, spectacular arena shows, historical re-enactment, music, comedy and much more to celebrate the legend of Sherwood Forest and the world's most famous outlaw. Admission to events and the site is free. Please check the website for daily parking charges.

Caudwell House - Nottinghamshire County Council

An emergency admission may be possible providing admission criteria are met. We can only offer a service to children who have health procedures that can be administered and performed by our staff once trained by a health professional, as agreed by the Royal College of Nursing.

Join our team of Shining Stars

We offer flexible working arrangements to suit your personal and family needs. We believe that everyone has something to offer, and we are committed to creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. We can't wait to welcome you into our team of super stars! ...