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Safeguarding and inclusion

Safeguarding and inclusion Safeguarding. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility the following courses will support you to meet the requirements in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS 2017).. It is also recommended that leaders and mangers in early year's settings attend further Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) multi agency training or seminars relevant to their ...

Contact us - Nottinghamshire County Council

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Use this page to link to Nottinghamshire County Council popular online services. We have lots of online services for you to access at your convenience but if you need any help, you can contact our team of customer service advisors by phone, online message, sign video, language translator or the UK Text Relay service.

Education - Nottinghamshire County Council

School admissions School meals Travel to schools School governors Services for schools and education providers Information for schools Outdoor and Environmental Education Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) School leaving age School discipline and exclusions ...

HOSC Update - Nottinghamshire County Council

reduced journeys allowed ERS to move to a Covid secure transport arrangement where patients were transported singularly. On-going challenges As the pandemic has progressed ERS have become more proficient in managing the situation. All of their crews are fully trained in Covid 19 procedures and every patient is assessed as

Substance Misuse in Nottinghamshire - Nottinghamshire County Council

Trends in Rate of alcohol-related hospital admissions per 100,000 population for Nottinghamshire County, Rushcliffe and Mansfi eld (Districts with lowest and highest rates)-500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Nottinghamshire Rushcliffe


The report must set out what they have done as a result of the arrangements, including on child safeguarding practice reviews, and how effective these arrangements have been in practice. 4. The NSCP Annual Report 2020/21 has therefore been prepared in accordance with the guidance and agreed by the NSCP Strategic Leadership Group.

Census 2011: Second release December 2012 to February 2013

A summary of Census 2011 data for Nottinghamshire districts. Census 2011: Second release December 2012 to February 2013. On 11 December 2012, the full set of key statistics and a selection of quick statistics was released at local authority level.

Democratic Management System > Meetings - Nottinghamshire County Council

Changes to Cabinet Member Arrangements and Appointment of Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen - Appendix (137Kb) 11 Executive Report: Key Issues and Activities (136Kb) 12 Questions (see note below) (a) Questions to Leader of the Council on the Executive Report ...

Review of Domestic Violence - Nottinghamshire County Council

Simplifying both application and monitoring arrangements would have a beneficial impact on service provision. Recommendation • Simplification of all County Council funding streams for both application and monitoring arrangements. • The efficiency and effectiveness of pooling budgets and implementing joint

Internal Audit Annual Report 2020/21 - Nottinghamshire County Council

2020/21, this arrangement also applies to audits of corporate risk management, as responsibility for this activity transferred to my Assurance Group in the summer of 2020. 8) The arrangements for the Internal Audit Team’s organisational independence remained unchanged and are depicted in the diagram below. I have continued to

Overview Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements. Hybrid working enables staff to work in a variety of locations across the County, and the Council will continue to have a significant footprint of various buildings around the County including in the south of the County. The Council’s is currently seeing a consistent 20-30% occupancy rate across the estate. So this

Public Task Statement

Public Task Statement. This statement sets out the functions carried out by Nottinghamshire Archives and what information is available for re-use under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. The Public Task. Nottinghamshire Archives gathers, keeps and shares historic archive collections relating to Nottinghamshire and the City of Nottingham - and local and family history ...

Topic information - Nottinghamshire County Council

funding arrangements to support early discharge from inpatient to care home settings. Clinical Commissioning Groups, Local Authority 8 Further develop the LeDeR programme to increase the number of reviews undertaken. LeDeR Steering Group 9 Ensure that future service development and provision embrace the views of people with learning ...

The Planning Response to Climate Change - Nottinghamshire County Council

policy or the different arrangements in the devolved administrations. Planning authorities should be mindful of this when using the guidance. The guidance makes provision for the changes heralded by the Green and Planning Policy Papers for England. 1. Context The scientific evidence and policy context is summarised in the first section of the ...

Nottinghamshire Pension Fund

arrangements of the Fund are detailed in the Fund‟s Governance Compliance Statement. 8. The members of the Committee are not trustees (as the LGPS is a statutory scheme) but do have fiduciary duties towards the scheme members and employers. Committee Members 9. The Committee Members recognise their full responsibility for the oversight of the ...

National Water Sports Centre - Nottinghamshire County Council

expected to seek independent legal advice on the application of TUPE in these arrangements. Further details will be provided in the Invitation to Submit Outline Solutions (ISOS) documentation and the Descriptive Document that will form part of it. 4

National Trading Standards Regional Investigation Team East Midlands ...

national tasking arrangements following the National Trading Standards Intelligence Operating Model. The EMRIT works in partnership with local trading standards authorities, other regional investigation teams, and other enforcement agencies to maximise effectiveness.

Approved Trader Scheme

Checks on Buy With Confidence businesses before admission include: Audit by a Trading Standards professional; Credit Checks; DBS/Criminal Record checks (if the business goes into people’s homes) Intelligence database checks; Customer reference checks; Checks on their insurance and trade association memberships;

Report a pothole

After you've reported a pothole, a member of our team will go out to inspect it within 10 working days and either fix it immediately or, if this isn't possible, make the necessary arrangements to do so. The pothole can only be fixed if it matches our pre-set requirements. If you provide us with an email address, we will let you know:

Primary Care Co-Commissioning in Bassetlaw - Nottinghamshire County Council

To ensure higher quality service with fewer hospital admissions - fulfilling patient wishes. Intelligent sharing of workload, and better use of skill mix in the team, retention and recruitment . The three Primary Care Homes will continue to build on the well-established integrated neighbourhood