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Appendix 3 - Nottinghamshire County Council
5. Be clear with staff about set arrangements on a weekly/monthly basis, as well as certain types of meetings or events that will be required in person, e.g. meetings with Members. 6. Talk to other group managers of services located in the same office building and think about optimising the use of space across the week. Refer to FM for
G5: Redeployment Policy - Nottinghamshire County Council
arrangements etc and therefore management must be reasonable and flexible in the application of this policy. Likewise, employees must seriously consider the suitability of any alternative post offered. Return to top 2. Scope 2.1 This policy applies to all permanent employees irrespective of their length of service with the Authority.
Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2009
• Assessment in RE: there is an 8 level scale and arrangements for assessing pupils progress to establish and guide expectations (the use of the scale for reporting and marking is a matter for schools). • The Agreed Syllabus specifies succinct programmes of study for each key stage. There is a guidance paper
report - Nottinghamshire County Council
generator shutdown, gas will be diverted to landfill gas flare arrangements, for disposal. The engines will generate 440V 3 phase electricity, which will be stepped up to 11kV by a transformer. The electricity will then be exported to the local electricity grid. 6. Each gas engine container measures 6.3m by 2.5m by 3m high. The containers
Project Initiation Document - Nottinghamshire County Council
Options will take into account the potential for partnership arrangements involving the procurement or operational management of a contact centre jointly with other public service providers (eg health, district councils etc) but will not be developed with a dependency on such arrangements. 8. Constraints
Introduction - Nottinghamshire County Council
D2N2 are working to develop sub-regional commissioning arrangements for the procurement of services for looked after children. D2N2 want to develop closer relationships with providers on the new framework and to work together to tackle commissioning issues facing the 4 authorities via a strategic commissioning forum.
Annual Delivery Plan 2022/23 - Nottinghamshire County Council
6 1.8 Establish a new Health Protection Board to provide assurances on the arrangements and outcomes for the protection of the health of residents in Nottinghamshire. Public Health 1.9 Develop a CLEAR Process for Tobacco Control to ensure we are using the most effective methods and actions to reduce harm from tobacco. We will also work with schools to deliver INTENT, a smoking prevention
Who we are and what we do
Publication Scheme Who we are and what we do Organisational information, structures, locations and contact Council Constitution. The Council's Constitution consists of a number of documents that, under the Local Government Act 2000, are required to be brought together and made available for public inspection.
Civil Funerals - Nottinghamshire County Council
You can make arrangements for a civil funeral by contacting your local register office, or your funeral director. A celebrant will then arrange an appointment to meet with you, usually at your local register office or at the offices of your funeral director. When meeting the bereaved family, the celebrant will explain what is involved and what ...
Appendix 1 Proposed Managing Allegations Service
arrangements New posts Concept Key. Title: Microsoft Word - C1368a Managing Allegations Service Appx1 final Author: MG55 Created Date: 6/4/2020 3:24:37 PM ...
Revised Early Help and Assessment Form (EHAF)
Revised Early Help and Assessment Form (EHAF) Attention referrers in Bassetlaw and Newark and Sherwood - Please use the new online service request form which we are testing over the next few months. This replaces the Early Help Assessment Form and the Children’s Centre Service referral form and can be used for families from pregnancy to age 18.
Questions - Nottinghamshire County
MCH and ACH as the current arrangements with SFHT are inadequate. - Noted. Evaluation of Tennyson Pilot not yet finalised/agreed. - Noted. 2. 4. Ensure that the units remain within the teams that they are. - Chatsworth staff will be invited to transfer with the service to
School search
School search. Find local schools in and around Nottinghamshire below. 'Filter schools' enables you to search all schools in Nottinghamshire by name, district or phase.
responsibility to ensure arrangements are also made for the appeal meeting to be recorded. 5.5 The procedure for the Appeal meeting will be as outlined in Appendix 3. 5.6 The outcome of the appeal will be communicated to the employee in writing within 5 working days. 5.7 The appeal is the final stage of the Employee Resolution Procedure. The
Children get support to turn away from offending as youth crime rates ...
The number of children in Nottinghamshire entering the criminal justice system continues to be below the national average. Figures published in the Nottinghamshire Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2024/25 show that the number of first-time offenders, aged 10 to 17, reduced to 130 per 100,000 of the population in the last financial year compared with 144 in 2022/23.
Nottinghamshire County Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee
the overall admission rate to mental health inpatient services since 2019. During the pandemic we have seen an increase in demand for crisis services resulting in assessment demand increasing from an average of 120 per week in 2018/19 to 160 per week in 2021. Patients can self-refer to the crisis teams 24/7 through a freephone number.
Inform us about an event on or affecting a public road
Where traffic restrictions are required as part of the event’s arrangements we will need to agree these details and make any necessary legal orders. “Where legal orders are required, charges will be applied to cover the County Council’s administrative, supervision, and other costs. Further costs may also occur if a contribution is ...
ICT Staffing Report Jan 14 - Nottinghamshire County Council
arrangements will be assessed closely to ensure that the traded services element of ICT Services remains sized and shaped accordingly. 18. The results of the job evaluation process are not yet finalised but the cost of the proposed staffing structure will be contained within existing budgets. 19. Costs associated with redundancies will arise in ...
Contact us - Nottinghamshire County Council
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Use this page to link to Nottinghamshire County Council popular online services. We have lots of online services for you to access at your convenience but if you need any help, you can contact our team of customer service advisors by phone, online message, sign video, language translator or the UK Text Relay service.
Special Educational Needs Transport Application
Find out more about arrangements for SEND transport due to COVID-19. This form is to apply for travel assistance for children, young people and post-16 students with special educational needs, medical needs or a disability.