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Annual Delivery Plan 2022/23 - Nottinghamshire County Council

6 1.8 Establish a new Health Protection Board to provide assurances on the arrangements and outcomes for the protection of the health of residents in Nottinghamshire. Public Health 1.9 Develop a CLEAR Process for Tobacco Control to ensure we are using the most effective methods and actions to reduce harm from tobacco. We will also work with schools to deliver INTENT, a smoking prevention

G5: Redeployment Policy - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements etc and therefore management must be reasonable and flexible in the application of this policy. Likewise, employees must seriously consider the suitability of any alternative post offered. Return to top 2. Scope 2.1 This policy applies to all permanent employees irrespective of their length of service with the Authority.

Cabinet - Nottinghamshire County Council

Cabinet Thursday, 15 December 2022 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting of Cabinet held on 17 November 2022 3 - 4 2 Apologies for Absence

Community Safety Agreement - Nottinghamshire County Council

Our performance management arrangements will include targets to drive down crime and anti-social behaviour in these priority areas. In November 2012 the first Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Nottinghamshire was elected. The PCC has laid out his priorities and plans in the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Plan 2013-18.

05 Proposal to consult on the closure of Bassetlaw Learning Centre

arrangements in Nottinghamshire, a new strategy entitled ‘5 Steps to Collective Responsibility’ was published and agreed by the County Council in November 2012. 3. Since that date a considerable amount of collaborative effort by schools and the County Council has resulted in a number of new arrangements being established. Some notable

Flexible Retirement Policy - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements outside of the LGPS will not be able to benefit from the flexible retirement pension options set out below. Information & Guidance Key changes from 2006: There were two major changes which affect employees’ retirement options that came into effect during 2006: 1. As a result of changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme

Performance of Arc - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements, with regard to both projects and programmed works, is working well, with 100% monitoring between NCC and Arc Partnership, now in train. 30. Both our internal SHE arrangements and OHSAS 18001:2007 Accreditation (achieved in year), requires that the Arc Partnership Managing Director (Safety Director) will ensure, on an

Title: Winter update from Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

through admission via Barclay ward and the treatment centre. However, the continued use of the elective bed base to support non-elective surge has led to a significant loss of elective activity. Average elective admissions over the period from August to 28 November 2022 were 106, this dropped to 14 over the five days from 4-9 January 2023.

Intoxicated Patients Final Report - Nottinghamshire County Council

Department and inappropriate admissions to NUH; as well as improving the social health and wellbeing of the named patients concerned - while ensuring consistency in the management of named patients and acting as a point of contact for all services. 5. The objectives are prompt identification of HVSU patients, multi-agency approach to patient

Council to increase the budget for families facing exceptional ...

“Rather than offering support for children in specific year groups or attending maintained schools only, our arrangements enable families, irrespective of the child’s age or the type of school their child attends, to apply for assistance with school clothing. The payments are intended to contribute towards the cost of school uniform for ...

18042012 lengthsman scheme - Nottinghamshire County Council

This report is to seek approval for the arrangements to commence a pilot for a Nottinghamshire Lengthsman scheme as part of the implementation of the County Council’s Localism Policy. Information and Advice 2. The Council’s Localism policy, approved by Council on 26 th January 2012, contains a commitment to evaluate the merits of a ...

minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

9. PROPOSED LEASE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE MILL ADVENTURE BASE RESOLVED: 2022/014 1) That the leasing of the additional areas of land indicated dotted and coloured grey on the plan, be approved. 2) That the existing leases dated 13 May 2004 and 6 May 2015 be surrendered, and one new lease agreed for the land contained within these leases, together

Report to the Health & Wellbeing Board - Nottinghamshire County Council

• A slight increase in admissions relating to COVID-19 and/or conditions that deteriorated over lockdown periods. • COVID-19 related sickness absence impacted the ability to provide sufficient homecare provision. 8. The report noted that demand avoidance schemes such as 2 hour community response


Gov1 Pension Fund governance arrangements are not effective Gov2 Pension Fund objectives are not defined and agreed. Gov3 An effective performance management framework is not in place. Gov4 Inadequate resources are available to manage the pension fund. Gov5 Failure to adhere to relevant legislation and guidance.

Risk & Insurance - Nottinghamshire County Council

9. The total cost of the Council’s insurance arrangements is recharged to Departments and Schools. To encourage risk management the charges are weighted towards the costs of claims. External Insurance Arrangements 10. The Council’s cost of external insurance is currently around £1.8m per year. 11.

Nottinghamshire County Council

on health and social care arrangements To produce a paper on the event, its contents and outcomes for wider circulation and follow up G rnance What & care wi By April 2016... By 2020..ïxX,;, happier. healthier Next Steps The Approach Government 'red lines' NHS England Board Principles & Decision Criteria r. Outcomes To outline in Nottinghamshire

Ashfield Health & Wellbeing Centre – Kirkby-in-Ashfield

• Lease arrangements or charges for bookable space will attract no more than market value and a sliding scale applied to support service delivery that offers wider cost benefits through the co-location on site. • Communication & Engagement Plan. Back 1 Self Care Hub/Jigsaw/Bookable space

Where and when fibre broadband will be available

Where and when fibre broadband will be available. Should you be unable to determine what broadband services are available at your premises through the use of the broadband availability checkers below, please contact the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire team via and a member of the team will be happy to assist you.

Specialised Service Commissioners - Nottinghamshire County Council

to collaborative commissioning arrangements. They enable commissioners to establish a broad base-line position on activity and costs and make comparisons year on year and across different providers. specialised cancer services (adults) specialised services for blood and marrow transplantation (all ages)

School holidays and closures

School admissions School meals Travel to schools School governors Services for schools and education providers Information for schools Outdoor and Environmental Education Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) School leaving age School discipline and exclusions ...