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Completed Equality Impact Assessments (EqiAs)

School Admission Arrangements 2025-2026 [PDF] December 2023: Review of staff travel [PDF] October 2023: Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2023 [Word] February 2022: School Admission Arrangements 2023-2024 [PDF] January 2022: Development of Family Hub Networks in Nottinghamshire [PDF] November 2021

Appeal a school admission decision - Nottinghamshire County Council

Appeal a school admission decision. In line with the Admissions Appeals Code, we must send the paperwork out in advance of the hearing, meaning that any appeals submitted now will not be heard until after the summer holidays. Please contact Admissions on 0300 500 8080 if you wish to make an application for a place at a school from September 2024.


2.2.11 Travel assistance assessment – normal school admissions round 2.3 Cases where travel assistance will not be provided 2.4 Single parents/carers and dual parental homes 3 ADDITIONAL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS AND ENTITLEMENTS 3.1 Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Review of Education Transport Policy Purpose of the Report

admission arrangements operating within the County. All policies should have a review date. The Education Act 2002 places a duty on LEAs from the end of May 2003 to publish an annual policy statement covering its transport arrangements for persons of sixth form age. It is recommended that a policy statement for the provision of transport for


ADMISSIONS AT JOSEPH WHITAKER SCHOOL Councillor Storey introduced the report, which was about a delegated decision he had taken to continue the existing admission arrangements for Joseph Whitaker School. He invited the Select Committee’s views, explaining that it was his wish for there to be some sort of public debate about the matter. He


Nottinghamshire school admission arrangements 2023-24: determination Marion Clay Claire Wilcoxson Children Missing Education Six-monthly update Marion Clay Sarah Whitby Strategy for Improving Educational Opportunities for All – six monthly update Marion Clay Koni Rakhit Additional staffing in the Children’s

Nottinghamshire County Council

Children and Young People's Committee Monday, 23 March 2020 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 10 February 2020

Children and Young People's Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

11 Communications strategies for first admission to primary school and transfer from infant to juniorprimary school in September 2018, and for Nottinghamshire’s consultation on school admission arrangements for 2019-2020 12 67 - 72 Communication Strategy for the Nottinghamshire Outstanding Achievement 4UthAwards 2017 13 73 - 76 Work programme

Report to Children and Young People’s Committee

Clifton Primary School is a small school with a Published Admission Number of 8, maintained by Nottinghamshire County Council. The last Ofsted inspection of the school (January 2018) rated the school as ‘Good’. ... which would involve statutory consultation on altering the admission arrangements of both schools but could not be resolved ...

Children and Young People's Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

2) the proposal to consult on Nottinghamshire County Council’s school admission arrangements 2023-2024 be approved. 3) the communication strategy to inform stakeholders about the statutory consultation on Nottinghamshire County Council’s proposed school admission arrangements 2023-2024 be approved. 8.

Children and Young People's Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

2) the proposal to consult on Nottinghamshire County Council’s school admission arrangements 2022-2023 be approved. 3) the communication strategy to inform stakeholders about the statutory consultation on Nottinghamshire County Council’s proposed school admission arrangements 2022-2023 be approved. 13. EARLY SUPPORT REMODELLING PROJECT

Sufficiency & Commissioning Strategy - Nottinghamshire County Council

Approach to Preventing Care Admissions 10 Approach to Supporting Placements 14 Profi le of Nottinghamshire Children in Care 24 Action Plan 27 Appendix 30. 4 ... Guardianship or Child Arrangement Orders, and increase the number of families exiting care via these placement types. Due to di˜ ering data sources and rounding numbers may

Appendix Fair Access Protocol C1150a Fair Access Protocol Appx1 final

The purpose of the fair access protocol is to ensure that – outside the normal admissions round – unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are found and offered a place quickly, so ... Plan naming the school, fall outside the fair access protocol and other arrangements are in place to ensure that these children are admitted. 2.5 ...

Report to Health and Wellbeing Board - Nottinghamshire County Council

Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board), as per agreed BCF governance arrangements for delegated approval. 21. The Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board is also asked to ratify the BCF end of year report for 2023/24 which was submitted to NHS England on 23 May 2024, as per agreed governance arrangements for delegated approval.

Report to Health and Wellbeing Board - Nottinghamshire County Council

2. In the UK, tooth decay is the most common reason for hospital admission in children aged between 6 and 10 years. The consequences of tooth decay are lifelong and poor oral health ... supplies under arrangements dating back to the 1970s. Appendix 1 gives more information about the current local water fluoridation schemes.

Mental Health Services for Older People A Proposal to Modernise Day ...

• Complaints from service users and carers related to current transport arrangements • A fall in activity due to decreased demand, indicating that day hospitals are not ... increase in hospital admissions. 2. Drivers There have been a number of national policy drivers affecting the delivery of services for older people with mental health ...

Children and Young People's Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Children and Young People's Committee Monday, 17 December 2018 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 19 November 2018

Sherwood Hall School was a part of the reorganisation of Mansfield ...

and a Christian ethos, admission would be on the basis of current arrangements and not by faith. Admission would be open equally to all members of the community. The Department has also been assured that any such academy would be enthusiastic in working with other local secondary schools as is already the case in academies sponsored by the

Paediatric In-Patient Services at Bassetlaw Hospital

There is correlation between admission cause for both Bassetlaw and other commissioners. Length of Stay of Admissions Admissions with a short length of stay make up the biggest percentage of admissions to A3 (84% stay 1 day or less) In 2015/16 49.5% of children stayed less than 1 day and a further 34.5% stayed 1 day only.

Democratic Management System > Decisions - Nottinghamshire County Council

The Constitution delegates authority to the Executive to make decisions about the day to day running of the Council within an agreed Budget and Policy Framework, and these decisions are taken at Cabinet meetings or by individual Cabinet Members.