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minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

5) the supply chain arrangements for the 2020-2021 academic year at appendix 3 to the report be approved. 6. FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT – SECTION 19 REPORTS The Committee’s discussion was informed by comments from Councillors Carr and Foale, whose divisions had been affected by the flooding in Chilwell and Beeston. RESOLVED 2020/046 That

Traffic Enforcement on Beeston Tram Line - Nottinghamshire County Council

operational vehicles), otherwise retaining the pre-existing traffic arrangements. No other vehicles will be permitted to use this section and the restriction will apply at all times and days. The design assumes that there will be enforcement of the restriction in order to prevent through traffic making use of this route. 4.

Appendix Work Programme - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements for inward investment, investor development and the visitor economy. Decision Celia Morris Various 1 April 2014 Experience Nottinghamshire performance update 6 May 2014 3 June 2014 Innovation Centres – annual performance review To receive the annual performance review of the Nottinghamshire Innovation Centres contract

STP Leadership Board - Nottinghamshire County Council

4.1 Through the STP governance arrangements we want to: 4.1.1 Establish a mutually accountable system with independent challenge 4.1.2 Be clear on where risk is owned and managed 4.1.3 Transform care through leaders working together a) Establish a mutually accountable system with independent challenge

Minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

Minutes Meeting COUNTY COUNCIL Date Thursday, 15th May 2008 (10.30 am – 4.45 pm) Membership Persons absent are marked with `A’ Councillors John C Allin (Chairman) The Hon Joan Taylor (Vice-Chairman)

Microsoft Word - HWB report - Children's Avoidable Injuries JSNA

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SUMMONS TO COUNCIL - Nottinghamshire County Council

Page 2 of 240 8 Nottinghamshire Annual Residents' Satisfaction Survey 2012 55 - 110 9 Health and Wellbeing Board Arrangements 111 - 116 10 Nottinghamshire Local Broadband Plan 117 - 136 11 Revenue Budget 2013/14 137 - 240 Capital Programme Proposals 2013/14 to 2016/17 Medium Term Financial Strategy 2013/14 to 2016/17

6. Car Lease Salary Sacrifice Scheme - Nottinghamshire County Council

As the vehicle is provided through a salary sacrifice arrangement, employees could save income tax, National Insurance, and pension contributions on the portion of sacrificed salary every month as well as benefiting from corporate buying power and Public Sector (CCS) discounts. Employees will reduce their LGPS pension contributions, and this ...

Report to Finance & Property Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

collaboration arrangement to promote their land for development. This area of land comprised of some 96.522 hectares (238.55 acres) which is located to the east of the Council owned Rushley Farm site. It should be noted that this collaboration arrangement did not include the Council’s land or land known as

Overview Briefing - Nottinghamshire County Council

Lead Scrutiny Officer: Shared Services Increased collaboration between councils, and between councils and other local partners is, in some cases, leading to the establishment of shared services. Shared services describe a variety of arrangements whereby a service provider delivers


Via East Midlands Ltd, they consider based on their experience with similar arrangements elsewhere in the County that rat-running is unlikely, especially along a narrow service road, that is extensively used for on street parking, with a very difficult exit priority junction because of high daily flows on the A60. 5.

Better in Bassetlaw - Nottinghamshire County Council

Compared to other areas, emergency admissions are high. National data identified that 2-16% of all older people experience regular loneliness which increases to approximately 50% in the over 80s – with a large elderly population and many rural communities, rural and social isolation and loneliness is a concern in Bassetlaw.

D2N2 Growth Hub - Nottinghamshire County Council

the ESIF award, being subject to contract and partnership arrangements. Other Options Considered 7. Should the European Funding submission be unsuccessful, then an alternative approach would be adopted to secure the most effective use of the £150,000 budget allocation. This would see the establishment of the Business Advisor

Appendix 2 - Nottinghamshire County Council

MHST responsiveness to settings that provide feedback Nottingha National Midlands mshire TO what extent do you agree or disagree that: uppo eam are responsive o

R09 Independent Advocacy Service for LAC - Nottinghamshire County Council

1. To report on the current arrangements for the provision of the Advocacy Service for Looked After Children and Young People and the planned increase of the service in 2012-2014. Information and Advice 2. The DN11 Serious Case Review, which considered the sexual abuse of a number of

Vulnerable Persons Panels - Nottinghamshire County Council

Safety Partnership, multi-agency panel based arrangements for dealing with vulnerable people. These are known as Vulnerable Person Panels (VPPs) in all areas except Newark and Sherwood and Bassetlaw where the panel is known as a Local Multi Agency Problem Solving Group (LMAP).

It’s time to apply for your child’s secondary school place

2) Check the admission oversubscription criteria – and include schools within the four preferences where the child will have high priority within the admission oversubscription criteria. Information about the criteria for Nottinghamshire schools can be found on the council’s website.

Communities and Place Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Communities and Place Committee Thursday, 07 November 2019 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of last meeting held on 3 October 2019 3 - 6 2 Apologies for Absence

SR58: Corporate Health and Safety Action Plan 2018-19

including security arrangements Health and Safety May 2018 High Subject: Improved Awareness and Competence Ref: Action and Expected Result Lead Timescale Risk Priority Comments ,Progress & Result Update Link 3.1 matric reviewed Current estimate at 70% Review health and safety competency matrix and mandatory H&S training

National Rehabilitation Centre: Travel Impact Analysis

has been included in the analysis as criteria and pathways for admission to the NRC have not been fully established. Patients live 10.7 miles from the nearest current site on average but this can vary from 3.2 miles on average for Leicester City CCG patients to 39 miles for those from South Lincolnshire CCG.