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Annex B - Nottinghamshire County Council

1 Annex B Draft Financial Strategy Including Value for Money & Efficiencies Plan 2024-2029 January 2024

Nottinghamshire County Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee

the overall admission rate to mental health inpatient services since 2019. During the pandemic we have seen an increase in demand for crisis services resulting in assessment demand increasing from an average of 120 per week in 2018/19 to 160 per week in 2021. Patients can self-refer to the crisis teams 24/7 through a freephone number.

Forward Plan - Nottinghamshire County Council

Cabinet Decision Implementing the roll out of Family Hub Networks in Nottinghamshire Date inserted into Forward Plan 29 September 2023 (amended 24 October

FLAG FLYING PROTOCOL - Nottinghamshire County Council

dealing with any ad hoc requests for flags to be flown. The practical arrangements and responsibilities for funding and arranging the flying of flags (and any accompanying events) are also covered in general terms. B) FLAGS FLYING ON A DAILY BASIS 3. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has underlined that

Brexit support and advice

consider any changes to tariffs and arrangements for export and imports of goods and services; make contingency plans for keeping your business operating. Leaving the EU means your business may need to prepare for change. Further help and advice can be found from the following organisations:

Transport - Nottinghamshire County Council

Information on roads and public transport in Nottinghamshire

Internal Audit Annual Report 2020/21 - Nottinghamshire County Council

2020/21, this arrangement also applies to audits of corporate risk management, as responsibility for this activity transferred to my Assurance Group in the summer of 2020. 8) The arrangements for the Internal Audit Team’s organisational independence remained unchanged and are depicted in the diagram below. I have continued to

Cabinet - Nottinghamshire County Council

Cabinet Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Declarations of Interests by Members and Officers:- (see note below) (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Cabinet - Nottinghamshire County Council

pay bargaining arrangements. These are negotiated by the National Joint Council made up from national employers and the recognised trade unions. The current levels of inflation have resulted in the Local Government Employers reaching a pay settlement for ‘Green Book’ employees (covering the vast majority of council Page 7 of 20

John ‘Maggie’ McGrath - Nottinghamshire County Council

1 Meeting COUNTY COUNCIL Date Thursday, 27 May 2021 (10.30 am – 5.22 pm) Membership Persons absent are marked with ‘A’ COUNCILLORS

Maternity Services Report - Nottinghamshire County Council

57 - % Avoidable Term NNU Admissions Updated to 30-Sep-2021 Target 5 % Set by NUH Actual 18.8 % Run chart Run chart Status: Reported quarterly from neonatal ATAIN clinical team Data owner: ATAIN Team Chart type: Run-58 - % of inborn term singleton babies with an APGAR score of <7 at 5 minutes Updated to 31-Jan-2022 Target 1.2 % Set by NUH ...

minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

• Asked about the arrangements in place for cash on deposit in banks and invested in money market funds • Made comments about the balancing financial stewardship while giving consideration to climate matters RESOLVED 2022/017 That the outturn statement as set out in the report be approved. 7. PROXY VOTING

HOSC Update - Nottinghamshire County Council

reduced journeys allowed ERS to move to a Covid secure transport arrangement where patients were transported singularly. On-going challenges As the pandemic has progressed ERS have become more proficient in managing the situation. All of their crews are fully trained in Covid 19 procedures and every patient is assessed as

Communities and Place Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements for parking their own vehicle, perhaps further away from their property, in order to ensure their vehicle is parked appropriately and lawfully. 9. The restrictions have been kept to the minimum necessary to ensure the safe operation of the access road junction and that required for bus turning movements. The double yellow lines

How to register a death

Certificate of burial or cremation (green form) - This must be handed to the funeral director so that arrangements can be made for the funeral to take place. In certain circumstances a form will be issued by the Coroner instead; Certified copies of the register entry – you can purchase as many certificates as you wish.

Health Scrutiny Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Through the STP governance arrangements we want to: - Establish a mutually accountable system with independent challenge - Be clear on where risk is owned and managed - Transform care through leaders working together Citizen involvement is a key aspect of the two transformation programmes and also takes places within various projects/programmes ...

Not for publication by virtue - Nottinghamshire County Council

1.1 To propose arrangements for exercising the authority’s responsibilities as guardian under the Mental Health Act 1983, including the establishment of a panel to take decisions on the renewal and discharge of guardianship. 2. Background 2.1 A guardian can be appointed with limited powers to take decisions on a

Governance and Ethics Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Council’s arrangements for governance, risk management and control. Members requested that future reports include an executive summary highlighting the key points from the report. RESOLVED: 2021/027 That the action set out above be agreed. 12. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2020/21 – ACCOUNTING POLICES


Centre buildings. In order to simplify and streamline the current arrangements and ensure that there is a consistent approach with daycare providers, it has been decided to offer an all inclusive rent (Fully Serviced Premises). Reason/s for Recommendation/s 4. See Exempt Appendix. Statutory and Policy Implications 5.

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2018-19

the forthcoming months will be the transition to new safeguarding arrangements following the publication of Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 which abolishes local safeguarding children boards and requires the local authority, police and clinical commissioning groups to develop new safeguarding arrangements. Other Options Considered 14.