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Cabinet - Nottinghamshire County Council

Cabinet Thursday, 15 September 2022 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting of Cabinet held on 14 July 2022 3 - 8 2 Apologies for Absence

Internal Audit Charter - Nottinghamshire County Council

systems. The arrangements made by Corporate Directors for securing economic, efficient and effective use of resources are also reviewed. Internal Audit reports are produced containing recommendations which should be responded to formally in writing. The results of Internal Audit work contribute to the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement.

minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangement between the Council and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), subject to the satisfactory and affordable outcome of further negotiation and service design and development activity and following consideration by Cabinet of any recommendations which may be made the Overview Committee.

Culture Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Urgent Decision -Interim Management Arrangements for Sherwood Forest Country Park Commercial Services Feb 2017 - Apr 2018 16 89 92 Work Programme 93 - 96 None Notes (1) Councillors are advised to contact their Research Officer for details of any Group Meetings which are planned for this meeting.


Centre buildings. In order to simplify and streamline the current arrangements and ensure that there is a consistent approach with daycare providers, it has been decided to offer an all inclusive rent (Fully Serviced Premises). Reason/s for Recommendation/s 7. See Exempt Appendix Statutory and Policy Implications 8.

NHS England - Yorkshire and the Humber

Trusts, when it was established and these ‘legacy’ arrangements mean that there is inconsistent, and often inequitable, access to dental services, both in terms of capacity in primary care and in terms of complex and inconsistent pathways to urgent dental care, community dental services and secondary care.

Education Standing Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements within the school. 11.For those pupils who do have a statement of special educational needs Nottinghamshire currently maintains eleven special schools. These provide education for pupils 3 to 19 years with moderate and severe learning difficulties and physical disability. Some local authorities provide special

Hate Crime Policy - Nottinghamshire County Council

appropriate materials. Managers will make appropriate arrangements with none office based staff or staff that require additional support. Victim Care 22. In order to protect victims, a Health and Safety Risk Assessment will be completed in cases of Hate Crime reported to NCC (with consent provided) and investigated by the Council.

meeting CABINET - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements. This review needs to be coherent with the BSF programme and to link available funding streams to ensure the best possible outcomes for local communities. Equal opportunities implications 25. The building programme for BSF is targeted on areas of lower educational outcomes and economic disadvantage. RECOMMENDATION 26. That:-

Quality in Care Services - Nottinghamshire County Council

The care and support services are commissioned through contractual arrangements and the Department has contracts in place with providers as follows: • 294 care homes within Nottinghamshire – approximat ely 174 for older people and 120 for younger adults • 29 home care agencies ...

Governance and Ethics Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Governance and Ethics Committee Wednesday, 14 September 2022 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of last meeting held on 21 July 2022 3 - 6 2 Apologies for Absence

Primary Care Co-Commissioning in Bassetlaw - Nottinghamshire County Council

To ensure higher quality service with fewer hospital admissions - fulfilling patient wishes. Intelligent sharing of workload, and better use of skill mix in the team, retention and recruitment . The three Primary Care Homes will continue to build on the well-established integrated neighbourhood

Policy Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

8 PROPOSED LEASE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE MILL ADVENTURE BASE In response to a query from Members, officers clarified that all references to ‘The Council’ in the proposed lease terms in the committee report related to Nottinghamshire County Council rather than the landlord, Ashfield District Council. RESOLVED: 2021/005

Nottinghamshire Secure Accommodation Services

2. How did Clayfields manage the admission of the young person? - 1 4 11 16 3. Hoe did you experience your reception as a visitor to the centre? - 1 3 12 16 4. Describe the agreed placement objectives - 1 9 6 16 5. Describe how Clayfields met the agreed placement objectives - - 12 4 16 6.

Acronyms - Nottinghamshire County Council

C:\Program Files (X86)\Neevia.Com\Docconverterpro\Temp\NVDC\2A1155CB-1179-443C-895F-3EBDE20339D5\68a422f6-0e79-4054-A6b5-B6871d4902c8.Docx MTFP Medium Term Financial Plan

PLACE SELECT COMMITTEE HEA Wednesday 12 October 2022 at 10:30am LTH SCR ...

transport and local bus arrangements in Nottinghamshire, a summary of the presentation is detailed below: • Transport provision was an important element of the Nottinghamshire Plan being integral to a number of the key ambitions set out within the plan. • That the budget for public transport provision was£30million,

Finance and Property Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Finance and Property Committee Monday, 18 July 2016 at 14:00 County Hall, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 20 June 2016 5 - 8 2 Apologies for Absence

Report to Children and Young - Nottinghamshire County Council

strengthen and formalise these arrangements, aiming to better and more consistently support the health needs of children placed out of area. This includes notification by the local authority to the appropriate organisations, processes to track completion of statutory

report - Nottinghamshire County Council

expected and gives details of the reporting arrangements made or to be made. RECOMMENDED That the report be noted. Statutory and Policy Implications The presentation of the attached reports ensures compliance with the Council’s Travel and Accommodation policy. The information contained within them will be useful in

It is now time to apply for primary school places for September 2023

Admission to school at Reception age is a regulated process, so parents must make a formal application for a place. Likewise, if a child is in year 2 at an infant school, there is no automatic transfer to year 3 at junior or primary.