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Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces Covenant. The Armed Forces Community Covenant [PDF] is made between:. The serving and former members of the Armed Forces and their families and residing in Nottinghamshire; Nottinghamshire County Council.

Appendix 3 - Nottinghamshire County Council

b) making appropriate and effective contribution to local partnership arrangements including local strategic partnerships and crime and disorder reduction partnerships c) ensuring that the local Director of Public Health’s Annual Report informs their policies and practices Core Standard 23

Wednesday, 09 February 2022 at 14:00 - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements for the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board. Ms Atchinson explained that it had been a difficult year for domestic abuse survivors, but the MHCLG had allocated £1,540,091 in 2021/22 for to Nottinghamshire County Council for the delivery of the domestic abuse duty and a further £223,315 to the districts and boroughs.

Policy Library Pro Forma - Nottinghamshire County Council

4.26 The Council will ensure arrangements are in place so that people can purchase their own items of equipment or social care support without a social care assessment, if they wish to do so. Finance and Charging 4.27 The Council will make a charge that reflects the cost of service provision, in all

The Ombudsman’s final decision - Nottinghamshire County Council

The Council is responsible for making sure that arrangements specified in the EHC Plan are put in place. We can look at complaints about this, such as where support set out in the EHC Plan has not been provided, or where there have been delays in the process. Due Diligence 20.The Ombudsman does recognise it is not practical for councils to keep a

date 7a ii. - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements across the authority between Adult Social Care and Health services and the Customer Service Centre. 9. Nottinghamshire County Council’s result: The Nottinghamshire result is a tremendous achievement, being 9th placed out of 152 authorities. The Council has been ranked in the 'Best performing' category.

Wednesday, 06 November 2013 at 14:00 - Nottinghamshire County Council

Page 1 of 162 Health and Wellbeing Board Wednesday, 06 November 2013 at 14:00 County Hall, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 2 October 2013

Nottinghamshire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND ...

7. Transition arrangements across key stages and between all Children’s and Adult services are seamless and smooth. 8. The range of local SEND provision and educational settings is broad, so that more children and young peoples’ needs are met closer to home. 9. Our approach to concerning behaviour is consistent and restorative,

1. Statutory walking distance

How to request a review 1. Statutory walking distance. Your child has been refused free travel on the grounds that the distance between your home and the school is less than the “statutory walking distance” – two miles for a child under the age of 8 years, and three miles for children aged 8 – 16 years.

Report to Health Scrutiny Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

2. In 2017, Bassetlaw Hospital closed its children’s ward to overnight admissions for safety reasons linked to staffing. Now, significant capital investment is proposed for the Bassetlaw Hospital site in order to create an ‘Emergency Village’ which would meet the needs of the community now and in the future. 3.

Education of Looked After Children (LAC) Purpose of report

arrangements made in the school for them. The designated governor should be prepared to act as a "pushy parent" on their behalf, to ensure that they have every possible opportunity to gain the best possible education." Povey quotes "stark" test results to support more action - the percentage of


Maintaining the current arrangements would not enable a funding application to be made and result in facilities being unimproved, leading to a deterioration in the facilities currently offered. 13. A previous Report to Finance and Property Committee on 18 July 2016 sought

minutes - Nottinghamshire County Council

• The parking arrangements would accommodate for both staff and visitors. Drop-off and pick-up provisions were also included; • Any works to the Ravensdale Road highway spur must not prejudice any future development in the immediate area, including an application being considered by Mansfield District Council for a housing development; ...

External Placements Budget for Looked After Children

will include the potential to establish block contracting arrangements with local authority partners, i.e. the block purchasing of bed space between local authorities and across geographical boundaries, in order to reduce commissioning spend whilst maintaining the high quality services delivered to children and young people.

report - Nottinghamshire County Council

Council to approve such an admission if the organisation falls within the relevant definitions. Investigations have been made and it can be confirmed that Meden Valley Making Places Ltd does fall within the definitions contained in the Regulations. If this application is accepted Meden Valley Making Places Ltd will

Nottinghamshire County Council Social Services Department

inspection of independent living arrangements for younger disabled people. It found that “most councils and their staff have fully to absorb and carry through the independent living philosophy.” Independent living was described as, “…the concept of empowering disabled people to control their own lives as far as

2023 - 2025 Better Care Fund Narrative Plan

Outcome and impact monitoring and our ability to plan demand and capacity for admission avoidance Discharge to Assess Integration of housing support, adaptation and temporary accommodation Ability to meet complexity of need at home (P1) P2 and P3 bed commissioning review (including MH flow)

Learning Disability ACTION PLAN APPENDIX 1 - Nottinghamshire County Council

new transport arrangements. It is anticipated that the changes will product savings of £300,000 for 2006/07. Service Head - LD, Day Services Mod Manager / Day Services Mod Manager Service Manager - LD and Service Manager - LD . Oct 06 Page 5 of 11. Learning Disability ACTION PLAN APPENDIX 1 Page 6 of 11 ...


County Hall West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 7QP SUMMONS TO EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL date Friday, 04 November 2022 venue County Hall, West Bridgford, commencing at 10:00 Nottingham You are hereby requested to attend the above Meeting to be held at the time/place and on the date mentioned above for the purpose of transacting the business on the Agenda as under.

Make a comment, compliment or complaint - Nottinghamshire County Council

Complaints about schools (but not admissions) and school staff: read the school complaints process. What happens next. We will review what you’ve told us and decide the appropriate course of action. If you ask for a response, we will do this within 20 working days once we have all the information needed to begin our investigation.