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Mental Health Services for Older People A Proposal to Modernise Day ...

• Complaints from service users and carers related to current transport arrangements • A fall in activity due to decreased demand, indicating that day hospitals are not ... increase in hospital admissions. 2. Drivers There have been a number of national policy drivers affecting the delivery of services for older people with mental health ...

Paediatric In-Patient Services at Bassetlaw Hospital

There is correlation between admission cause for both Bassetlaw and other commissioners. Length of Stay of Admissions Admissions with a short length of stay make up the biggest percentage of admissions to A3 (84% stay 1 day or less) In 2015/16 49.5% of children stayed less than 1 day and a further 34.5% stayed 1 day only.

Children and Young People's Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council

Children and Young People's Committee Monday, 17 December 2018 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 19 November 2018

Sufficiency & Commissioning Strategy - Nottinghamshire County Council

Approach to Preventing Care Admissions 10 Approach to Supporting Placements 14 Profi le of Nottinghamshire Children in Care 24 Action Plan 27 Appendix 30. 4 ... Guardianship or Child Arrangement Orders, and increase the number of families exiting care via these placement types. Due to di˜ ering data sources and rounding numbers may

Democratic Management System > Decisions - Nottinghamshire County Council

The Constitution delegates authority to the Executive to make decisions about the day to day running of the Council within an agreed Budget and Policy Framework, and these decisions are taken at Cabinet meetings or by individual Cabinet Members.


Nottinghamshire School Admission Arrangements 2016/17 For determination John Slater Schools requiring expansion by 25% or more pupil places – outcome of consultation and published Statutory Notices For decision John Slater Universal infant free school meals – update Jas Hundal .

Nottinghamshire County Council Pension Fund

Admission bodies. Exit payments Too expensive to stay, too expensive to go Spreading of exit payments Deferred debt arrangements Unaffordable cessation debt Continued participation without triggering a debt Risk remains with employer, revised valuation Employer flexibilities 11

Health and Care System Winter Planning Briefing for Nottinghamshire ...

older residents who are 75-79, and pregnant women. Trusts have arrangements to administer the maternal RSV vaccination and GPs are delivering the vaccine to older residents and pregnant women. Vaccination uptake will feature heavily in our winter communications plan with a range of methods including videos, events and social media campaigns.

4 Smoking Cessation Services - Nottinghamshire County Council

arrangements in place no later than 31 March 2015. Information and Advice The Context 2. What is Tobacco Control? Tobacco Control is an evidence-based approach to tackling the harm caused by smoking. It includes strategies that reduce the demand for, and supply of, tobacco in communities through; • enforcing the minimum price of tobacco

Report to Children and Young People’s Committee

parents to remove their child from school as part of an arrangement outside of the formal exclusion processes. Another area where a small number of children and young people can become missing to education is in relation to school admissions to own admission authorities. All applications to academies and other own admission authorities are closely


Newark Hospital’s Urgent Treatment Centre was temporarily closed for overnight admissions in April 2020 to prioritise emergency service provision during the Covid 19 pandemic, and the temporary closure was extended in 2021 and 2022. ... arrangements, and that proposals for the future operation of the Urgent Treatment Centre

Democratic Management System > Decisions - Nottinghamshire County Council

The Constitution delegates authority to the Executive to make decisions about the day to day running of the Council within an agreed Budget and Policy Framework, and these decisions are taken at Cabinet meetings or by individual Cabinet Members.

Nottinghamshire County Council

Policy Committee Wednesday, 13 January 2021 at 10:30 Virtual meeting AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 9 December 2020 1 - 8 2 Apologies for Absence 3 Declarations of I

Democratic Management System > Decisions - Nottinghamshire County Council

The Constitution delegates authority to the Executive to make decisions about the day to day running of the Council within an agreed Budget and Policy Framework, and these decisions are taken at Cabinet meetings or by individual Cabinet Members.

Internal Staffing Structure for Management of New Home Based Support ...

home based care and support services, including provider relationship arrangements and to propose an operating model to support those functions. Information and Advice 2. On 26 September 2013, Council approved the recommendations to implement a new model for home based care and support and agreed the re-tender of those services. The

Five Year Health and Social Care Strategy - Nottinghamshire County Council

acute admissions System Objective Three 30.5% reduction in acute bed days System Objective Four 25% reduction in admissions to nursing and residential homes System Objective Five 9.8% reduction in secondary care elective referrals System Objective Six 20% reduction in paediatric admissions to hospital Delivered through:

National Rehabilitation Centre - Nottinghamshire County Council

made four recommendations for further work; developing a scoring system for admissions, anticipating demand will be greater than capacity, developing a detailed workforce plan, planning for discharges out into community services and addressing any gap and economic evaluation of the quality of life years post rehabilitation at NRC.

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Quality Report ...

governance arrangements have been steered through the development of structured agendas and workplans, which bring together key priority areas and align local priorities to ... Reduce avoidable Re-admissions 5.4% 5.73% Patient experience quality improvement targets Target 2016/17 Actual 2015/16 7. Reduce the number of complaints 535 563

Briefing June 2016 - Nottinghamshire County Council

managed through a “stabilise and transfer” pathway for admissions, similar to that now in operation for the balance of emergency surgery. Maintaining the pathways as we have ... arrangements and on an annualised basis with Integrated Care Board at Bassetlaw, which has wide organisational representation.


partnership arrangements for tackling substance misuse in Nottinghamshire are fit for purpose to locally drive the delivery of the ambitions of the Drug Strategy across all three strategic priorities. Ensuring the voices of those with lived experience of substance misuse ... female admission episodes are ages 40-64 and males over 65