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Adult Social Care and Health Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
5 Evaluation of Hospital Winter Discharge Arrangements and Planning for 2017/18 6 19 - 24 Defence Medical Welfare Service Bid to Develop Aged Veterans Services in Nottinghamshire 7 25 - 30 Work Programme 31 - 36 Notes (1) Councillors are advised to contact their Research Officer for details of any Group Meetings which are planned for this ...
Report to Adult Social Care and Health Committee
3 • provide professional leadership for social work practice, and continue to directly engage and work with people who use services and their families and carers
School search
School search. Find local schools in and around Nottinghamshire below. 'Filter schools' enables you to search all schools in Nottinghamshire by name, district or phase.
Forward Plan - Nottinghamshire County Council
5 Decision Tender of Prevention Services framework agreements and future call-off contracts Date inserted into Forward Plan 12 August 2022 What is the decision to be taken To seek approval to undertake a tender process
Planning appeals - Nottinghamshire County Council
The Planning Inspectorate will advise you what information needs to be submitted to support your appeal and a likely time scale for its decision. If you have chosen to go for an Inquiry or a hearing, the Planning Inspectorate will set out the steps that you will need to take, and the necessary arrangements.
Dukeries Leisure Centre, New Ollerton - Site Transfer
It is not, nor has it ever been, the subject of any “joint use” arrangements. The building does, however, sit on land owned by the County Council. 4. Several years ago, the Leisure Centre was comprehensively redeveloped using funding entirely supplied by NSDC. Operation of the Leisure Centre has, throughout,
movement arrangements, the written consent of the MPA shall be obtained for the duration of any such temporary arrangements prior to them commencing. Reason: To ensure that minerals are used in a sustainable manner locally to their extraction origin and to minimise additional traffic on the public
Nottinghamshire County Council
Transition arrangements for young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders are in place but vary slightly depending on whether a person also has a learning disability in which case the Trust's adult learning disability services would provide a service. For adults with mental health needs, NHS Nottingham City commission a dedicated
APPENDIX 2 - Nottinghamshire County Council
7 1.3.4. If the service user lacks capacity, the peri-re-ablement support worker or re-ablement manager must check if there is a Lasting Power of Attorney (for
Policy Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
8 Proposed Lease Arrangements of The Mill Adventure Base 157 - 162 9 Supporting a Bid for an East Midlands Freeport 163 - 170 10 Operational Decisions Annual Review and Quarterly Update September - November 2020 171 - 174 11 Outside Bodies Register Update 175 - 182 . 12 Use of Urgency Procedures 183 - 186 13 Work Programme ...
• prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital • support on-going frailty • prevent further deterioration, e.g. falls prevention, intermediate care • support client choice to remain in their own homes • aid rehabilitation and re-ablement • assist with Children’s development • provide more specialist equipment when required. 9.
Nottinghamshire County Council
NORTH Victory Club Note: Victory Club has been demolished and replaced with housing development' Crown copyright and database rights 2020 ordnance Surm 100019713.
Via East Midlands Ltd, they consider based on their experience with similar arrangements elsewhere in the County that rat-running is unlikely, especially along a narrow service road, that is extensively used for on street parking, with a very difficult exit priority junction because of high daily flows on the A60. 15.
Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee
Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee Monday, 13 November 2017 at 10:30 County Hall, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 9 October 2017
ECML Level Crossing Closures Update - Report
Network Rail wishes to close any crossing it must make proper alternative arrangement such as a bridge, unless there is no longer any need for a particular crossing. 4. Network Rail have appointed consultants to develop and lead the study. Mott MacDonald is focusing on crossings in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Doncaster whilst the WSP
report - Nottinghamshire County Council
outdated measured term contract arrangements, underpinned by a robust performance measurement framework to achieve better value for money. Cllr John Stocks Cabinet Member for Resources Page 2 of 2. Title: report Author: Nottscc Created Date:
managerial arrangements with organisational design principles. Statutory and Policy Implications This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding
Weddings and civil partnerships - Nottinghamshire County Council
Get around this festive season with half price on demand travel in the evenings!
Strategic Passenger Transport Framework - Local Bus Services
2. To report on the progress with the monitoring arrangements for the Council’s Strategic Passenger Transport Framework. 3. To implement the revised Strategic Passenger Transport Framework from March 2015 and use it as part of the review of all bus service provision in Summer 2015. Information and Advice 4.
enabling the system Summary - Nottinghamshire County Council
arrangements become stronger, successful and more formal. 10. Local authorities will judge demand for different forms of provision, and the extent to which the available supply meets that demand and makes a full reality of the new entitlements to Diplomas, Apprenticeships and the Foundation Learning Tier. They will then decide where