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Nottinghamshire County Council
Transition arrangements for young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders are in place but vary slightly depending on whether a person also has a learning disability in which case the Trust's adult learning disability services would provide a service. For adults with mental health needs, NHS Nottingham City commission a dedicated
SELECTION COMMITTEE - Nottinghamshire County Council
8. To consider the arrangements for the interviews of the shortlisted candidates on 18th July 2003. NOTES (1) Members and Officers requiring advice or clarification on whether to make a declaration of interest are invited to contact Members’ Services prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Via East Midlands Ltd, they consider based on their experience with similar arrangements elsewhere in the County that rat-running is unlikely, especially along a narrow service road, that is extensively used for on street parking, with a very difficult exit priority junction because of high daily flows on the A60. 15.
Democratic Management System > Meetings - Nottinghamshire County Council
Changes to Cabinet Member Arrangements and Appointment of Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen - Appendix (137Kb) 11 Executive Report: Key Issues and Activities (136Kb) 12 Questions (see note below) (a) Questions to Leader of the Council on the Executive Report ...
Report to Nottinghamshire Pension Fund Committee
4. The review of the Fund’s strategies also covers its risk management arrangements. As these have been subject to a full review, they are also covered in a separate report. Administration Strategy 5. The Administration Strategy is a tool that helps delivery a high-quality administration service to scheme members and other interested parties.
Centre buildings. In order to simplify and streamline the current arrangements and ensure that there is a consistent approach with daycare providers, it has been decided to offer an all inclusive rent (Fully Serviced Premises). Reason/s for Recommendation/s 7. See Exempt Appendix Statutory and Policy Implications 8.
implemented a similar arrangement. Their experience indicates a significant improvement in the stability of placements through the use of a ‘no disruptions’ clause in the contract, although a key element of the success of this would be robustly enforced contract management, supported by senior management in both the ...
Appendix 1 - Nottinghamshire County Council
Appendix 1 Response to IPSOS Consultation Report Cross cutting Themes Consultation response theme Constituent Councils response Change to Proposal
Summary - Nottinghamshire County Council
1 Version 1.4 – 20/08/2021 Nottinghamshire Day Opportunities Strategy 2021-2026 Connecting people to communities to live the lives they want to lead
Policy Library Pro Forma - Nottinghamshire County Council
Policy Library Pro Forma This information will be used to add a policy, procedure, guidance or strategy to the Policy Library. Title: Vulnerable Adults Intimate Personal Relationships Policy Aim / Summary: To set out the County Council’s policy in relation to intimate relationships involving vulnerable adults, including marriage and civil
School search
School search. Find local schools in and around Nottinghamshire below. 'Filter schools' enables you to search all schools in Nottinghamshire by name, district or phase.
APPENDIX 2 - Nottinghamshire County Council
7 1.3.4. If the service user lacks capacity, the peri-re-ablement support worker or re-ablement manager must check if there is a Lasting Power of Attorney (for
Report to Adult Social Care and Health Committee
3 • provide professional leadership for social work practice, and continue to directly engage and work with people who use services and their families and carers
Communities and Place Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
munities to agree the final reimbursement arrangements and asso-ciated financial commitments from 1 April 2019 in conjunction with the Group Manager for Highways & Transport. 8. TRAFFIC SURVEY LICENSING PERMIT SCHEME RESOLVED 2019/014 That: the Traffic Survey Licensing Permit Scheme as detailed in the report be approved. 9. WORK PROGRAMME
Weddings and civil partnerships - Nottinghamshire County Council
Get around this festive season with half price on demand travel in the evenings!
Cabinet - Nottinghamshire County Council
Cabinet Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 10:30 County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Declarations of Interests by Members and Officers:- (see note below) (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Nottinghamshire County Council
on health and social care arrangements To produce a paper on the event, its contents and outcomes for wider circulation and follow up G rnance What & care wi By April 2016... By 2020..ïxX,;, happier. healthier Next Steps The Approach Government 'red lines' NHS England Board Principles & Decision Criteria r. Outcomes To outline in Nottinghamshire
Version 2 May 2017 version 2 - Nottinghamshire County Council
1-3 Version 2.2 PART ONE..... 1-11 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………….……..
Current disruption - Nottinghamshire County Council
All schools have their own arrangements to contact parents and carers should there be a need to close the school at short notice, for example, in the event of severe weather. The decision to close a school is taken by the head teacher after considering a number of factors including the health and safety of staff and pupils, staff availability and road conditions near the school.
Economic Development Committee - Nottinghamshire County Council
The current programme management arrangements, as agreed by Committee in December 2013 and reviewed in September 2014, run until March 2016. The . 5. 1 Committee 2015. 2. County Hall West Bridgford NG2 7QP 1. 1 Development Committee July 2015 . 2. 3. 4. Economic Development Committee. 6. 2.