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Determined admission arrangements 2025-2026
For own admission authority schools, the governing body is the admissions authority and it must determine the admission arrangements annually. Determined admission arrangements for the following schools will be posted in the table below as they are received by the County Council. Search the table by school or district.
School admissions consultation 2026-2027 - Nottinghamshire County Council
School admissions consultation 2026-2027 Period of consultation: 3 October 2024 to 24 November 2024. The council, as the admission authority, is consulting on its admission arrangements for all community and voluntary controlled schools in Nottinghamshire for 2026-2027 and invites you to give your views.
Determined admission arrangements - Nottinghamshire County Council
Determined admission arrangements. All admission authorities must determine admission arrangements by 28 February every year, even if they have not changed from previous years and a consultation has not been required. Determined admission arrangements. 2025-2026; 2024-2025; 2023-2024
School admissions hub
Consultation admission arrangements 2026-2027. Information about consultation on admission arrangements for schools in Nottinghamshire. Changing school in-year. Find advice and guidance about how to apply to transfer your child’s school in-year. Schools oversubscription criteria.
authority. All admission authorities must comply with the requirements of the School Admissions Code 2021 and admissions legislation. Admission arrangements means the overall procedure, practice, criteria, and supplementary information used in deciding on the allocation of school places. This document sets out the admission arrangements
13r School Admission Arrangements - Nottinghamshire County Council
5. The Nottinghamshire Schools Admissions Forum met on 17 October 2006 and March 16 2007. Members of the forum were circulated with copies of all the relevant documents. 6. The admission arrangements are presented in the following sections: (1) General admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools (paragraphs 7 – 16)
School admissions hub
Consultation admission arrangements 2026-2027. Information about consultation on admission arrangements for schools in Nottinghamshire. Changing school in-year. Find advice and guidance about how to apply to transfer your child’s school in-year. Schools oversubscription criteria.
Co-ordinated Scheme for the Admission Arrangements for Pupils to ...
The co-ordinated scheme for primary school admissions arrangements will not affect the responsibility of the governing bodies of voluntary aided and foundation schools to set and apply their own admissions arrangements. The normal admissions round is the process by which: a) an application for the admission of a child to a relevant year group ...
School catchment areas
Other schools such as academy, voluntary aided and free schools may also use catchment within their admission arrangements. ... Parish boundaries are not maintained by the school admissions team and you should look on the school website or visit the relevant Diocese to view your parish: The Church of England, a church near you;
Changing school in-year - Nottinghamshire County Council
Determined admission arrangements; School admissions hub; Apply to change school 'in-year' Latest news. New sculpture commemorating historic voyage is unveiled in Notts. It’s time to apply for your child’s secondary school place. Sutton-in-Ashfield adventure park is a hit with Notts families.
Guidance for parents and carers - infant age children
County Council Admissions Team - If you want to find out about where places are available at alternative schools you need to speak to Admissions on 0300 500 80 80 or email; Useful links. Making a school admission appeal; Determined admission arrangements and list of schools who are their own admission authority
Contacts - Nottinghamshire County Council
School Admissions. Please contact our ... Determined admission arrangements; Applying for a school place; Latest news. New sculpture commemorating historic voyage is unveiled in Notts. It’s time to apply for your child’s secondary school place. Sutton-in-Ashfield adventure park is a hit with Notts families.
Appeal a school admission decision - Nottinghamshire County Council
Appeal a school admission decision. In line with the Admissions Appeals Code, we must send the paperwork out in advance of the hearing, meaning that any appeals submitted now will not be heard until after the summer holidays. Please contact Admissions on 0300 500 8080 if you wish to make an application for a place at a school from September 2024.
School catchment areas
Other schools such as academy, voluntary aided and free schools may also use catchment within their admission arrangements. ... Parish boundaries are not maintained by the school admissions team and you should look on the school website or visit the relevant Diocese to view your parish: The Church of England, a church near you;
report - Nottinghamshire County Council
School Admission Arrangements for 2004/05 Purpose of Report 1. To determine admission arrangements and over-subscription criteria for all Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools for the academic year 2004/05. Information and Advice Background 2. The LEA is the admissions authority for community and voluntary
Information and resources for schools
If you are a parent looking for information on school admissions you can find all the information you require on the school admissions hub including the school admissions portal. Login. Sign in. ... Have your say on the proposed school admission arrangements for 2026-2027. Summer HAF is here! Do you know a child or young person with a disability?
Report to Cabinet Member for Education and Special Educational Needs ...
14. The Schools Adjudicator’s decision is binding on the admission authority. 15. The revised admission arrangements relate to the 2025-2026 admission year for which the application process opens on 11 November 2024. The revised admission arrangements for Lambley Primary School are updated ahead of parents making applications for a school place.
Choosing a school - Nottinghamshire County Council
Determined admission arrangements; Latest news. New sculpture commemorating historic voyage is unveiled in Notts. It’s time to apply for your child’s secondary school place. Sutton-in-Ashfield adventure park is a hit with Notts families. Thousands flock to Nottinghamshire Day spectacular at Sherwood Forest.
Apply to change school 'in-year' - Nottinghamshire County Council
Determined admission arrangements; School admissions hub; Latest news. New sculpture commemorating historic voyage is unveiled in Notts. It’s time to apply for your child’s secondary school place. Sutton-in-Ashfield adventure park is a hit with Notts families.
A policy statement for Education Otherwise Than at School
E Nottinghamshire Learning Centre – Admission Arrangements 1 Introduction 1.1 Nottinghamshire Local Authority (LA) is committed to ensuring that all children and young people of compulsory school age are provided with suitable and sufficient education at school or otherwise than at school.